Wednesday 8 February 2012

Cassina Morin
10 Shingle Creek rd.
B.C.V2A 6J7
February 2, 2012
Captain Draude
Princess Margaret

O Captain, My Captain:

My name is Cassina Morin and although I think life and death should not be a decision for anyone to make, I do believe that for this scenario it seems to be the fairest way to make a choice. In life, so far, I haven’t had many experiences, in the future I plan to change that… if I have a future. High school passed as a blur, I didn’t have the great nice expensive car and I defiantly did not have good grades. I wasn’t in any sports teams and at the time I seemed to let opportunities fly by without even a thought of trying the slightest bit. Iplan on travelling the world and taking advantage of many things that come my way. I would love to go to University after I take some extra courses to graduate. It tends to shock people when I explain to them that making a major change is one of my life goals. I have amazing friends and family who truly mean the world to me, and I would hate to see them going on in life without me there. I believe that somewhere, somehow I will be able to make a difference, even if it may be small, in the world. I am a leader, strong and confident. I know where I want to go in life, I just need to push myself to get there. All of this makes me believe that I'd be worthy enough to be choosen to live. I would prove that even someone who doesn't always succeed can push themselve to follow their dreams and complete their goals. If I was picked this would be an oppertunity for me to get my act together and prove to myself and everyone that I can succeed if I put my mind to something.